Monday, December 6, 2010

Maias Year Six Memories

As I walk in the front gate of Riverdale School on my first day I feel a lighting bolt of fear run up my spine. I Slowly walk into LC4 were Mrs Wimms is there to greet me with a warm smile, the fear suddenly disappears and I am ready to start my six years of Primary School. Te Puawai is one of my many memories. I love Te Puawai especially because some of my best mates take part like Ansley, Niamh, Dionne, Jasmine, Daina, and Renee. Te Puawai makes me feel awesome because at the end of the year there is a huge concert and a yummy Hangi to end with. Mrs Tamatea is an awesome Te Puawai teacher. The camps have been the most memorable moments for me. The two camps I went to were Highland Home Christian Camp and Palm Grove Christian Camp. Highland Home Christian Camp was awesome we went down to the river and we saw some giant spiders with egg sacks. At Palm Grove Christian Camp we went on a Low Ropes Course I got stuck and I ended up hanging upside down for two minuets but it was still awesome fun. I am now a year six and leaving to Intermediate in three weeks I will always remember Riverdale because it is the best school ever. Intermediate here I come!!!

Maias Art Sample Term4

Maias Speech Collage

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Maias Maths Strategy