Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maia's Handwriting Sample

This Is How I Learn

5 Things That Help Me Learn

1. Music helps me learn because if everyone is noisy then the music makes the room go quiet
2. Working by myself helps me learn because I can concentrate on my work.
3.Hearing the sound of gentle rain on the roof helps me learn because it relaxes me.
4.The teacher helps me learn because he teaches me new things.
5.School helps me learn because it teaches me new stuff each and every day.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Term Goals

Term Goals

Work Goal: To get better at my language for my writing by adding metaphors, similes, onomatopoeia etc.

Home Goal: To get a 4 second pb in by 200m breast stroke at juniors and win the swimming sports for Riverdale.