Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Maia's Speech

I touch the wall I look behind me all the boys are miles behind I’ve one the race and that’s just one of the many examples of girls being better than boys.
This is what my speech is about competition, (wait for 2 seconds) competition between boys and girls.
Ever since girls and boys have walked planet Earth there has been competition between them whether it has been to do with running, touch, swimming, or anything there has been competition between girls and boys..

Its not just sports that boys and girls compete in. ( Wait for 2-1 seconds) Its in the class room too. Boys and girls compete over who is the best in maths,reading,spelling or even artwork.

Research states that girls consistently scores higher than boys by 9 percent in tests. I think this is awesome because it proves that girls are once and for all smarter than boys.

I think I might be able to remember early last term when a soccer team, a netball team, and a rugby team played Parkvale Primary School. The soccer team was losing by one until a girl named Sophie Broad scored the drawing goal and they went on to win a penalty shoot out, if it was not for sophie scoring that goal they would have lost. The netball team, all girls, won 9-7. The rugby team mostly boys lost 40-0. Before the game all of the boys from Riverdale were going on about how they were going to smash up.I think after the game the boys had quite a bit of thinking to do and it will teach them to not be such show-off’s.

All you boys probably think that at our school boys are faster than girls but you are all wrong because Zia Mcdermaid is the fastest in the school she is faster then all the girls and all the boys too.

Now I have showed you all the examples that girls are better than boys in the classroom and on the sports field to. So now girls and boys can stop argueing at school about whos better because I have just proved that girls are better than boys. Thanks for listening.