Monday, December 6, 2010

Maias Year Six Memories

As I walk in the front gate of Riverdale School on my first day I feel a lighting bolt of fear run up my spine. I Slowly walk into LC4 were Mrs Wimms is there to greet me with a warm smile, the fear suddenly disappears and I am ready to start my six years of Primary School. Te Puawai is one of my many memories. I love Te Puawai especially because some of my best mates take part like Ansley, Niamh, Dionne, Jasmine, Daina, and Renee. Te Puawai makes me feel awesome because at the end of the year there is a huge concert and a yummy Hangi to end with. Mrs Tamatea is an awesome Te Puawai teacher. The camps have been the most memorable moments for me. The two camps I went to were Highland Home Christian Camp and Palm Grove Christian Camp. Highland Home Christian Camp was awesome we went down to the river and we saw some giant spiders with egg sacks. At Palm Grove Christian Camp we went on a Low Ropes Course I got stuck and I ended up hanging upside down for two minuets but it was still awesome fun. I am now a year six and leaving to Intermediate in three weeks I will always remember Riverdale because it is the best school ever. Intermediate here I come!!!

Maias Art Sample Term4

Maias Speech Collage

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Maias Maths Strategy

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Maia's Speech

I touch the wall I look behind me all the boys are miles behind I’ve one the race and that’s just one of the many examples of girls being better than boys.
This is what my speech is about competition, (wait for 2 seconds) competition between boys and girls.
Ever since girls and boys have walked planet Earth there has been competition between them whether it has been to do with running, touch, swimming, or anything there has been competition between girls and boys..

Its not just sports that boys and girls compete in. ( Wait for 2-1 seconds) Its in the class room too. Boys and girls compete over who is the best in maths,reading,spelling or even artwork.

Research states that girls consistently scores higher than boys by 9 percent in tests. I think this is awesome because it proves that girls are once and for all smarter than boys.

I think I might be able to remember early last term when a soccer team, a netball team, and a rugby team played Parkvale Primary School. The soccer team was losing by one until a girl named Sophie Broad scored the drawing goal and they went on to win a penalty shoot out, if it was not for sophie scoring that goal they would have lost. The netball team, all girls, won 9-7. The rugby team mostly boys lost 40-0. Before the game all of the boys from Riverdale were going on about how they were going to smash up.I think after the game the boys had quite a bit of thinking to do and it will teach them to not be such show-off’s.

All you boys probably think that at our school boys are faster than girls but you are all wrong because Zia Mcdermaid is the fastest in the school she is faster then all the girls and all the boys too.

Now I have showed you all the examples that girls are better than boys in the classroom and on the sports field to. So now girls and boys can stop argueing at school about whos better because I have just proved that girls are better than boys. Thanks for listening.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Term 4 Goals

School Goal: To get from a level 3b to level 3a in writing.
When will I know I have achieved this: When Mr Mcnaught has told me that I have moved up from level 3b to level 3a.
To achieve this goal I will have to: Keep looking at my writing matrix to check if I am doing most of the things on level 3. :)

Home Goal: To get at least two or there juniors times.
I will know I have achieved this when: My coach Darrel has told me.
To achieve this goal I will have to: Keep trying my hardest and NEVER GIVE UP. :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Handwriting Sample Term3

CCWT ( Continous Creative Writing Time )

There I was standing face to face or swimming face to face with a giant Hammer head shark. My friend Ansley and I are in Fiji on holiday. Ansley and I were swimming in the depths of the tropical Fijian waters. When the hammer head shark appeared out of no where. 'HELP' Ansley and I squealed. 'Its coming closer' I whisper to Ansley. CRACK.

To Be Continued!!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Visual Language Picture ( Lizard )

Term 3 Goals

School Goal: My school goal is to get a better spelling age. I will learn all my words and try all of the time.

Home Goal: My home goal is to get 8/8 pbs at East Coast. To do this I will train really hard and never give up

Maia's News Report

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Writing- Opening Sentence

The opening sentence should capture the reader’s interest. It should set the mood of the story, Introduce the situation and / or character /s

Ways of doing this: Dialog, A Statement, Problem, Action, Description of people, Place or time, Question.

" Get out of my way" I screamed to the police man. (Dialog)
I wonder where the key is. (Question)
I was sitting on the table. (Statement)
BANG as I fired the silver bullet. (Action)
I was at school when Jasmine got kidnapped. (Problem)
There were three girls they all had long black hair with brown eyes. (Description of people)
The clock was about to strike one (Time)
Gisborne is a warm sunny place. (Place)
I was sitting on the table. (Statement)

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Natrual Phenomena

Self Assessment: I think the power point turned out pretty well we took our time and looked for good facts. The background looked cool and the pictures were related to the topic eg: when we wrote the survival kit we put pictures of what you would need.

Riverdale School Achievement Levels

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Right Choice Day Poster

Walt: Can create an informative poster that engages the viewer.
Self Reflection: I think that the poster turned out really well I took my time and asked for help.

Hiwi The Kiwi

WALT- To use collage to create a 3D effect.

Self Reflection: I think I did all right at my Hiwi the Kiwi picture I took my time on the feathers but I rushed the back-ground.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Cross Country Data

This is the laps I did for the cross country training this year and the dates I did it on you can tell the dates I was not here eg: 7/5/10. I think I did really well in the cross country I came 7th which is 4 places better than last year. I guess all the training paid off.

My Math Strategy

Thursday, June 17, 2010

WALT: Describe in our writing

The waves roll back and forth on the warm sandy beach of Gisborne. The ice-cream shops were kids are yelling at the door ‘can we go in’ kids plead to their mum and dad. The lush green grass sways in the gentle breeze. The white woolly sheep ‘baaa’ in the lush green grass paddock. The bright blue sky shimmers down on the beach. Kids are building huge sand castles, while others are splashing around in the shallows of the beautiful blue sea of Gisborne. The older kids are out in the deeper waters body surfing, boogie boarding, and surfing. Right beside the beach is a park the red, yellow, and blue wooden logs which are painted in these three colours. Family’s are relaxing on the park tables eating all of their picnic food. After a long thrilling day at Gisborne the family settle down at the beach for a yummy kiwi kai dinner.

Self Assement:

Next time I can use paragraphs because that is my new WALT. I like the way I described Gisborne because it is an awesome place.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Maia's Handwriting Sample

This Is How I Learn

5 Things That Help Me Learn

1. Music helps me learn because if everyone is noisy then the music makes the room go quiet
2. Working by myself helps me learn because I can concentrate on my work.
3.Hearing the sound of gentle rain on the roof helps me learn because it relaxes me.
4.The teacher helps me learn because he teaches me new things.
5.School helps me learn because it teaches me new stuff each and every day.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Term Goals

Term Goals

Work Goal: To get better at my language for my writing by adding metaphors, similes, onomatopoeia etc.

Home Goal: To get a 4 second pb in by 200m breast stroke at juniors and win the swimming sports for Riverdale.