Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hiwi The Kiwi

WALT- To use collage to create a 3D effect.

Self Reflection: I think I did all right at my Hiwi the Kiwi picture I took my time on the feathers but I rushed the back-ground.


  1. Hey Maia love the hiwi the kiwi you took your time i can see that but also it does look like you rushed a little I think next time get the edges but other than that perfect!!!

  2. COOL work maia but it does look like it has been rushed juat like what dionne said IT HAS BEEN RUSHED! so next time i would go slow!

  3. COOL work maia but it does look like it has been rushed juat like what dionne said IT HAS BEEN RUSHED! so next time i would go slow!
