Thursday, June 24, 2010

Natrual Phenomena

Self Assessment: I think the power point turned out pretty well we took our time and looked for good facts. The background looked cool and the pictures were related to the topic eg: when we wrote the survival kit we put pictures of what you would need.

Riverdale School Achievement Levels

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Right Choice Day Poster

Walt: Can create an informative poster that engages the viewer.
Self Reflection: I think that the poster turned out really well I took my time and asked for help.

Hiwi The Kiwi

WALT- To use collage to create a 3D effect.

Self Reflection: I think I did all right at my Hiwi the Kiwi picture I took my time on the feathers but I rushed the back-ground.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Cross Country Data

This is the laps I did for the cross country training this year and the dates I did it on you can tell the dates I was not here eg: 7/5/10. I think I did really well in the cross country I came 7th which is 4 places better than last year. I guess all the training paid off.

My Math Strategy

Thursday, June 17, 2010

WALT: Describe in our writing

The waves roll back and forth on the warm sandy beach of Gisborne. The ice-cream shops were kids are yelling at the door ‘can we go in’ kids plead to their mum and dad. The lush green grass sways in the gentle breeze. The white woolly sheep ‘baaa’ in the lush green grass paddock. The bright blue sky shimmers down on the beach. Kids are building huge sand castles, while others are splashing around in the shallows of the beautiful blue sea of Gisborne. The older kids are out in the deeper waters body surfing, boogie boarding, and surfing. Right beside the beach is a park the red, yellow, and blue wooden logs which are painted in these three colours. Family’s are relaxing on the park tables eating all of their picnic food. After a long thrilling day at Gisborne the family settle down at the beach for a yummy kiwi kai dinner.

Self Assement:

Next time I can use paragraphs because that is my new WALT. I like the way I described Gisborne because it is an awesome place.